
Hi! I’m Maximilian, an Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research in the Mann group at the University of Copenhagen. Originally, I’m a mechanical engineer by training with specialization in medical technology / biomedical engineering. Being fascinated by the question of What is Life? I decided to dive into Biophysics to understand the physical aspects of the building blocks of life. Researching the field of DNA nanotechnology allowed me to use DNA as a structural building material and create objects in the nanodomain. To study these objects, I built microscopes and employed super-resolution microscopy techniques, namely DNA-PAINT. During my research, I noticed the increasing demand for computational methods to generate insight from data and accelerate science. I think that modern software engineering and open source software can serve as a blueprint on how science should be: Open, transparent, accsesible, on the shoulders of giants, and tested by the community. With the growing complexity of my programs, I was amazed to explore the state of the art of Machine Learning and the resulting implications for Artificial Intelligence. For me, many questions regarding the nature of life and what makes us human can be answered when achieving an Artificial general intelligence.

Having now found an interest in proteomics, I apply cutting-edge algorithms and statistical methods to bring meaningful insight into data and optimize technology. Here, I think that Artificial Intelligence can be a cornerstone in the quest for understanding disease.

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